詳細介紹:"Bo Martyn was born to Polish immigrants and grew up in Canada. She attended English and French speaking schools in Mississauga; traini…"Bo Martyn was born to Polish immigrants and grew up in Canada. She attended English and French speaking schools in Mississauga; training in dance and painting from an early age. She made her first stop motion film at 9 years old. Martyn graduated from Humber College's Arts program and went on to major in Psychology at York University before deciding to take improv and writing at The Second City. \r\nBo is a distant relative of legendary 1920s actress Pola Negri.\r\n\r\n波·馬婷出生于一個波蘭移民家庭,成長于加拿大。她自幼就接受過繪畫和舞蹈的訓練,并在米西索加(Mississauga)的英法雙語學校就讀。九歲時,她制作了自己的第一部定格動畫影片。馬婷順利完成了漢伯學院(Humber College)的藝術專業課程后,進入約克大學(York University)繼續深造,主修心理學。之后她加入了美國第二城喜劇團(The Second City),從事即興喜劇表演和腳本撰寫的工作。她還在《指定幸存者》(Designated Survivor)《蒼穹浩瀚》(The Expanse)等影視劇中擔任過客串角色。\r\n\r\n波還是1920年代波蘭裔好萊塢傳奇影星波拉·尼格麗(Pola Negri)的遠房親戚。"詳情